Salam Uollssssssssss!!! I buat entry ni sebab masa sekolah dulu, kalau tak silap masa tu i form 3 i mmg minat gila ngan Tommy Page ni sebab yang pertama harusslah dia ni kiut giler!!!! Sebab yang kedua, masa tu lagu dia tengah meletop.....tajuk lagu tu "A shoulder to cry on" dan "I'll be your everything"......dulu kiut, sekarang ni i tengok Tommy page semakin ensem lak.....muahahhahaaha!!!! Kat sini i letak gambar2 Tommy Page time kiut ngn gambar sekarang lakk..i tepek skali video klip lagu dia yg palinggg i suka tuu!!!!
I'll Be Your Everything....
Penyanyi: Tommy Page
Tajuk: A Shoulder To Cry On
Life is full of lots of up and downs,
And the distance feels further when you're headed for the ground,
And there is nothing more painful than to let you're feelings take
you down,
It's so hard to know the way you feel inside,
When there's many thoughts and feelings that you hide,
But you might feel better if you let me walk with you
by your side,
And when you need a shoulder to cry on,
When you need a friend to rely on,
When the whole world is gone,
You won't be alone, cause I'll be there,
I'll be your shoulder to cry on,
I'll be there,
I'll be a friend to rely on,
When the whole world is gone,
you won't be alone, cause I'll be there.
All of the times when everything is wrong
And you're feeling like
There's no use going on
You can't give it up
I hope you work it out and carry on
Side by side,
With you till the end
I'll always be the one to firmly hold your hand
no matter what is said or done
our love will always continue on
Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on
everyone needs a friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
you won't be alone cause I'll be there
I'll be your shoulder to cry on
I'll be there
I'll be the one you rely on
when the whole world's gone
you won't be alone
cause I'll be there!
And when the whole world is gone
You'll always have my shoulder to cry on....
Tommy Page sekarang.......encemmmm...;)
Sedikit info pasal Tommy Page :-
- Grew up in West Caldwell, NJ and graduated from New York University.
- Topped the Billboard Hot 100 in April 1990 with his song “I’ll Be Your Everything.”
- Appeared on an episode of Full House and sang to Stephanie Tanner for her birthday.
- Toured with the New Kids on the Block for four years.
- Released seven full-length albums in 12 years, with massive popularity in South East Asia.
- Works now as an executive at Warner Bros. / Reprise Records where he has been involved with the careers of big stars such as Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Green Day, Alanis Morissette, Mis-Teeq, Fleetwood Mac, Enya, Ashley Tisdale, and new comers, V Factory.
- Currently launching the careers of newcomers, Iyaz and Charice.
cakap kat robetpatinson!!!